Dullness will not sell your product; neither will irrelevant brilliance.” – Bill Bernbach

Every year, Advertising Week selects the top slogans. By definition, these taglines are relevant AND brilliant. Of the tens of thousands of commercials we see and hear every year these are the “sticky” ones – the ones we can repeat word for word years after we first heard them.

Here are a few candidates for this year’s contest plus some past winners. Notice how they all have a verbal “kick.” A beat, cadence or comic twist that elicits a smile and makes them easy to repeat.

Can you identify the company associated with each of these slogans?

“What happens here, stays here” ______________
“Think outside the bun” _______________________
“When you care enough to send the very best” _________________
“Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t”_____________
“When you care enough to send the very best”_______________
“Takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin'”______________

Why is it so important to have an intriguing slogan? You may not have heard or seen these slogans for years, but the sponsoring company was on the tip of your tongue and on the top of your mind.

Wouldn’t you like your business name and slogan top of mind and on the tip of the tongue of millions of people?

You can — if you make it intriguing. Websters Dictionary defines INTRIGUE as 1) to arouse the curiosity or interest of by unusal, new, fascinating or compelling qualities, 2) to appeal strongly to; captivate.

I’ve studied the art and science of intrigue for 16 years because I know that quality is important; it’s not enough. You can have a quality product, excellent service and a worthwhile offering — that doesn’t necessarily means it’s going to get noticed, remembered and bought.

My POP! Process takes the mystery out of intrigue. It features specific, replicable techniques to get anyone interested in anything.

Email us at Sam@SamHorn.com to receive an article identifying the 8 Elements of Intrigue so you can package your communication so compellingly it captures the favorable interest of your target audience.