Well, Valentine’s Day is around the corner.

Are you looking for a book for your significant other? Want a fun “how to” book to either find the love of your life or bring more love into your life?

The biggest selling book on romance and relationships in the past couple years is:

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment by Steve Harvey. It has almost 800 (!) reviews on Amazon.com and is still ranked in the top 100 a year after its publication.

Here are a few of the other intriguing options out there:

Better Off Wed? Fling or Ring – Which Finger to Give Him? – Alison James

The Man Plan: Drive Men Wild – Not Away – Whitney Casey

What Was I Thinking? 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories – Barbara Davilman and Liz Dubelman

I Used to Miss Him . . . But My Aim’s Improving – Alison James (a creative, witty author)

1001 Ways to Be Romantic – Greg Godek

What Your Mama Never Told You – Tara Roberts

Finding the Love of Your Life – Neil Clark Warren

Dating and Mating – Darren Burton

Stumbling Naked in the Dark: Overcoming Mistakes Men Make with Women -Bradley Fenton

What Men Won’t Tell You and Women Need to Know – Bob Berkowitz

How to Duck a Sucka – Big Boom (yes, that’s his name)

And of course two of the grandaddys:

Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus – John Gray

He’s Just Not That Into You – Greg Behrendt and Liz Tucillo

That best-selling book by Greg Behrendt not only spawned a movie and a new career as a talk-show host, it inspired several copy-cat books such as:

He Just THINKS He’s Not That Into You: The Insanely Determined Girl’s Guide to Getting The Man She Wants – Danielle Whitman

Be Honest – You’re Not That Into Him Either: Raise Your Standards and Reach for the Love You Deserve – Ian Kerner

And, if you want a daily supply of smart posts about dating, mating, relating and romance; be sure to check out the witty, insightful blog by The Dating Goddess. http://www.datinggoddess.com/

The Dating Goddess has a loyal following and has been quoted in Wall Street Journal.
After reading a few of her fun and fascinating books (Date or Wait: Are You Ready for Mr. Great? and You’ve Got to Kiss a Lot of Princes); you’ll quickly understand why she’s a popular go-to resource on the topic of dating and mating, romance and relationships.