Serendestiny - doing what makes you come alive

Chances are you’ve seen this inspiring quote from H. Thurman,  “Don’t ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive ; then go do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

What makes you come alive?  What puts the light on in  your eyes?

One of the things that does it for me is … writing.

Tennis player Pete Sampras was asked what it was like winning his first U.S. Open.  He said, “No matter what else happens the rest of my life; I’ll always be a U.S. Open champ.”

That’s one of the many  benefits of writing.  It is so TANGIBLY, ENDURINGLY REWARDING.

Many things are fleeting. Quality books are not.

Yes, writing a quality book is a front-loaded project. 

You pour your heart, mind, soul … and plenty of what Bryce Courtenay called “bum glue” …  into writing a quality book.

But it will still be out in the world,  years later, making a positive difference for others and a propserous living for you.

I am just re-experiencing this glorious phenomenon,

We’ve just released a new e-version of Tongue Fu!® … which was first published (ahem) 16 years ago! 

How satisfying it is to know this book is still positively influencing people around the globe.  I’ve welcomed this opportunity to update the content and include examples of cyber-bullying, internet gossip and what to do when someone’s texting at dinner.

What’s this mean for you?  It’s the beginning of a new year.  You have a fresh start opportunity to do what makes you come alive. 

If that is writing, then resolve to put pen to paper or fingers to keys today.  It’s time to get your experience, expertise and epiphanies out of your head and into the world.

I promise. You will never regret writing – you will only regreat not writing when you had the chance.


“If you wait to write your book, you’re a waiter, not a writer.” – Dan Poynter

As the 17-time Emcee of the Maui-Hawaii Writers Conference, I’ve met many people who say THIS is the year I get my book finished — and then life intervenes, their best intentions fade away and it never happens.

Want to know one way to keep your resolution to finish your book this year?

Craft a book cover and post it on your refrigerator where you’ll see it several times every day.

Put your ideal endorsement from a well-known thought-leader on the upper right hand corner of the cover.

Draw the title of your book in HUGE letters so you can see it from across the room and so it’s branded in your mind and memory.

Put your professional photo on the cover and your name in big block letters at the bottom.

You’ve heard the saying, “Out of sight, out of mind?”

If you don’t post a reminder of your resolution where you will frequently see it; it will soon get lost in your mental clutter.

By putting a visual reminder of your book in a prominent place, you’re keeping it “In sight, In mind.”

Furthermore, displaying a mock cover of your book helps you picture it as a “done deal” instead of it simply being something you hope to do . . . someday.

Many of my consulting clients say this helped them (finally) complete their book.

Try it. It only takes a couple minutes and it could be the difference between you “talking” about becoming an author — and completing a quality book that gets your message out in the world where it makes a positive difference for others and a prosperous living for you.

And if you’d like help holding yourself accountable for completing a strategic, profitable book; attend my POP! Your Book, Business, Brand and Career half-day, public workshop for the Independent Writers of Southern California on Jan. 24 at the Pasadena Convention Center.

Email us at for details about this workshop that can help you get your book out of your head and into people’s hands.

This year, don’t be a waiter; be a published writer.